Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The End of Fourth Grade...

Grant's class won the "jump party" for raising the most money for the walk-a-thon. That made planning the year end party very easy for the room mom-- me. We celebrated the summer birthdays with a few sweet treats and they jumped all morning. The kids had a great time.

Miss Mack made fourth grade lots of fun. We are so thankful for the positive influence she has been in Grant's life. Yes, she is the one laying down up front. She's a good sport.

Hanging with the big kids...

The last day of school is also Awards Day. Grant received several academic awards and a couple of classroom awards. What made him the happiest was receiving the "Funniest" award. Miss Mack gave the kids the opportunity to vote for their friends on some fun class awards.

He unanimously received the funniest boy award in his class. The vote for funniest girl was also unanimous (and yes, that does mean they both voted for themselves, but Miss Mack said they could if they really believed it was true.:) He just beamed as it was handed to him and as his friends kept telling him how funny he was.

Lately it has become very important to him to make people laugh. By nature he is analytical and literal, so joking doesn't come naturally, but he has worked hard to figure it out. I told Todd I would like to be a fly on the wall for just one day to see what he does that makes everyone laugh. Todd assured me that it may be better that we don't know since we are not 10 years old and his jokes may not have the same effect on us. It renewed my thankfulness for a safe environment for Grant to learn, develop his personality and spread his wings a few hours each day without me looking over his shoulder.

As Grant grows and matures I'm learning more about him. We are entering a new phase of life and we are learning to navigate through the tween years. He's not little, but not quite big. I still feel like I need to remind him of a lot of things, but he craves independence- and he needs it. It takes lots of prayer and God's wisdom to know what to say, what not to say, when to hold on and how to let go. I love these little glimpses of growth and development. They are reminders to me to be faithful praying for my boys daily that they will grow to be the men God intends for them to be.

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