Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Learning Lessons

I've been working through some things lately. Lessons I've learned, but a couple of situations caught me off guard and left me having to remind myself what He's taught me. I'm not a fan of being caught off guard. :) On the week I was struggling the most and spent the most time praying through it, God gave me some great encouragement through the following articles and through a page in the devotional I'm working through.  These articles are such precious reminders of His graciousness and His desire to be in relationship with me. He knew what I needed and He provided it. Obviously. Clearly. Through His people who didn't even know they were being used for that task.

This is something that is a little hard to share aloud because it's still pretty personal and I just don't have the right words for how precious it was, but He is so good.

I'm posting these articles here so I have a quick link to them, but also because I've learned over the years that we all struggle with the same kinds of things, we just don't always talk about it. So, most likely, there is someone else that could use these gentle reminders as well. 

Boring Christians

Adam and April's Blog

Just Love Me


  1. I have attempted to thank you for this post in a comment a couple of times, but have yet to be successful. Thank you! I had already read the first article linked above, but the other two posts were great (especially considering all 3 together). This confirmed some things God has been showing me lately. Love you and appreciate so much you sharing how God is speaking to your heart!

  2. Really needed to read this today. Very encouraging. There are several things that God seems to really want me to learn these days and being content with where he has me is one of them. Love you!
