-He loves being with mom.
-I love having him at home and am very aware of how quickly the time passes.
-I don't have any real need for him to go to pre-school this year. (I think pre-school can meet real, legitimate needs for some families and can be great fun.)
-I want him to know his ABC's and 123's when he gets to k4.
-It's lots of fun and gives us some scheduled, intentional time together.
We are beginning week four.
So far he's....
Learned L, T, H and I. (Yes, the alphabet is out of order to help with ease of writing- Grant really questioned my sanity on this point- :)
Made a Days of Creation book.
Memorized three Bible verses (and working on a fourth)- one for each letter of the alphabet we've learned.
Made a "L" is for lizard treat. (well, I did that, but he was really excited about it.)
It does seem that he is going to be left handed. There have been a few times that he has used his right hand, but it is only when his left hand blocks his view- like when he is tracing lines. |
Wrote letters- in shaving cream.
Played games.
Organized by size.
It's been amazing how much he has loved it. He asks me most mornings when we are going to get started. Not every morning- there have been a few couple of days that he really did not want to do it- so we didn't.
I like that he loves learning and I want that desire to stick around.
And he's three.
I've used a compilation of sources. I've used tried and true things from my years of teaching and new ideas from the internet.
A few of my favorite sites follow:
Raising Rock Stars
No Time for Flashcards
Totally Tots
Confessions of a Home Schooler
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