Sunday, September 4, 2011

Random Life...

1. Now that school is back in session, we are starting to live a somewhat scheduled life again. I don't like minute by minute schedules, but I sure do enjoy a good routine. I love breaking it sometimes, too. :)

Living in routine after a pretty carefree summer has meant re-newed discipline in my daily life. I am a pretty laid back person, that, as Monk my favorite OCD detective would say, is "both a blessing and a curse." (Casey that one's especially for you :))

As I've been praying through some goals and desires for my life and our family lately, God keeps nudging me toward really paying attention to some places that I've just plain lacked discipline in. You know that whole being faithful in the little things concept. Pumping up the self discipline is not super fun, really, not fun at all, but deep down I know it's good. Necessary.

The re-newed areas of disciple have included getting up earlier for an "appointment" quiet time- it helps me to think of it that way. Not a duty, but a date. An appointment.  Also, faithfully keeping my gratitude journal, making daily to do lists, monthly meal planning, exercising, drinking more water, paying attention to how much time I actually use on things like facebook and pinterest and disciplined spending in the smaller areas. Those may sound like little things, but I had gotten pretty lazy and I just wasn't living intentionally. Sometimes those small adjustments are the most irritating to me because they have to be deliberate, every day choices. A lot of the time I just don't want to change and I can get grumpy when I have to do something I don't want to do- He's been working on that, too. :) I'm a little slow, but I am thankful for His loving direction.

2. Gabe is officially potty trained.  I hadn't really planned to even start working on it until he was 3 1/2 (in November), but he was ready and it just came together. For about a week he woke up every morning with a dry diaper, so we started there and it just took. There is still the occasional accident, but over all he is doing great!

*Be warned, when you see him, he may feel the need to inform you of what super-hero is on his underpants.

3. Grant has moved up into the Logic School-6th grade. At our school, that means lockers, 6 teachers, 8 class changes, longer day and more responsibility. We are three weeks in now and so far, so good. He was pretty worn out that first week. He comes home and wants about a half hour to just chill out in his room by himself- play on his ipod, read, etc. Since Grant gets his "recharge by time alone" personality trait from me, I understand that need. Gabe, who really misses his "bubby" while Grant is at school, does not really understand that need. It has taken some adjusting, but we're getting there. 

4. Grant went to his first dance on August 20. Yes. A dance. It was so sweet and gave me another reason to be thankful for the school God lead us to for him.

I'm learning that letting him spread his wings at this age is a pretty important part of parenting.  It's hard. I don't trust the world with my child. I want to keep him close until I'm sure he is ready to make godly, wise decisions. While there are things he doesn't need to hear and see yet, he does need some space to grow- in safe places. I'm just thankful for a school that had a fun dance with old fashioned dancing (waltz, fox trot, some line dancing,) clean (but still relevant) music and teachers/chaperones that all want the same thing- safe, fun, wing stretching experiences.

5. My ladies' bible study and our community group will be starting back up again this Wednesday.  I've missed consistent community with those two groups of friends.

6. Todd has some looming deadlines at work that have put some pressure on him. He's done a good job balancing it all, but there are days he is really worn out. I'm ready for this big project to be behind him so he can breathe easy.

7. Grant is part of the robotics team at school this year. This is our school's first year to compete at the Blazer BEST Robotic Tournament at UAB in October. It has been pretty time consuming so far, but he is really loving it. Their team has 17 members and will compete against at least 23 other teams in a robotic competition. I was surprised (and excited) that he wanted to join since building/engineering type stuff has never been his favorite pass-time, but he has enjoyed it.

8. In the last few months our church has hired a new youth minister and a new music minister. It is a blessing to see things coming together again.

9. Because of the "renewed discipline" project, I've had some time to really visit with some friends over the last few weeks. New friends and old friends. Lunch dates, coffee dates, play dates at the park with our kids and stay up til 1am solving the problems of the world dates. Friendship is a true gift. I don't ever want to take any of these precious people for granted.

That is the condensed version of the last month. I can hardly believe it is already September.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post and it made me smile so big (sorry for the bad grammar) that you quoted Monk for me! I would love to hear more about the renewed discipline (oh, how I need more of that "d" word in my life) and letting go of your not so little boy to give him wings!
